Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Addition

My sister had her baby yesterday, and only 2 days late! Since she's far far away in no man's land (AKA Reno) My mom flew out, but no one else in the family has gotten to meet the new addition, except via cell phone pictures. Maybe buy the time we do meet her she'll have a name. The fickle parents haven't decided on a name yet, but I guess there's no real deadline for a name. One thing's for sure, she looks like a Hardy as for now.

CONGRATS Delyse and Dane! And welcome to the world Baby Hardy!

1 comment:

Dane, Delyse, and Hazel Lynn said...

She was only 1 day late (: And her name is Hazel Lynn Hardy! We'll send you more pics soon! love you guys, thanks.