Sunday, April 12, 2009

Growing strong.

For all those that are curious and I don't get to see often enough- Yes, I'm growing. It's not super cute, posed or cheesed, but you get the idea.

I'm starting to feel big (although I know I still have a ton more to grow) and I'm leaving the phase where getting to take my baby with me every where I go was so easy and glamorous. It's loosing its charm -especially when I need to bend over to pick things up, or I bump my tummy against something as I forget about the extra space I take up. I still can't complain. A little back-ache, stretch marks, heart burn and the other twinges really are nothing when I can sit and just feel my baby move. Those little moments put everything into perspective.

(at about 26 weeks)


Tam said...

You're so cute!

Sheila said...

Thanks for the pic, I was wondering what your little baby bump was lookin like!! SO CUTE!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

What are you talking about it's not cute?? It's SO cute. I hope I look like that when I'm pregnant!

Bianca said...

you look great! always glamorous if you ask me;) hope to see you soon!

bkjones said...

You look great! Every time I see you you seem to get cuter and cuter!

Dane, Delyse, and Hazel Lynn said...

Still cute. Enjoy it while it lasts. She'll be out sooner than you think and your whole world will change (: It's wonderful. love to you.

Dani said...

Love the belly!! You look so cute prego! hope to see you guys soon