Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hubby Tag-

Since I have the morning off and I'm trying to fight the urge to just get back in bed, I figured I do this post. I'm tagging Ash Sorensen, Jess, Katie, Kate, Ash Wood.

How long have you been married? 3 years in August!
How old is your hubby? 25 1/2.

Who eats more? I'm sure Mike can eat more, but lately I feel like I do. I'm eating constantly! And it's a major weekness. Once Mike brought me home a pizza because he new it would make me happy. (Don't get me wrong, I love flowers, but don't touch my left overs!)
Who said I love you first? Mike for sure. He'd always slip when we were dating saying "I love (stutter) hanging out with you" because he would realize half way through what he was about to say and how throwing out the word love in the same way you'd say "I love pizza and can't get enough of it" was probably not the right way to use such a loaded word. Also he's say "Ich libe dich" and I always new he was saying it in German. I did though mention marriage first which then initiated the conversation where the L-bomb was then dropped by both of us.
Who is taller? Mike and just enough! I can wear heals and he doesn't tower over me.
Who sings better? I would say that I do, but I have major stage fright/issues. I use to always sing but then I was annoyed with arrogant bad singers and Broadway wannabees showing off, so I retired the talent. I DON'T karaoke. Some day I want to teach Mike how to read music and play a piano then maybe he'll hit the notes right.
Who is smarter? Both in different ways. Mike's reason and clarity in every thing always mazes me but it drives me crazy when he takes a math class and doesn't get it. We have completely different educational and work backgrounds and think SO differently. We met in the one class that we had together, I've never even thought about who got the better grade, I'll have to find out.
Who controls the T.V. remote? If we're not watching separate TVs then usually Mike. When I get really bored with the sports I tell him to change it. So I control Mike who controls the remote.
Whose temper is worse? At our maddest I'm guessing Mike, but we really don't have much to have tempers over and because my anger comes out as super sad and frustrated, not fury.
Who does the laundry? Me, 90% of the time but we're both worried that Mike will dry clothes that I don't want to shrink. We have completely different ideas of cleaning. Mike cleans the clutter in the house, I deep clean the house.
Who does the dishes? That's a little more 50/50, but if you add who takes care of the car, bills, accounting, etc, it's all mostly me unless I need his help. Mike definitely dominates on the working outside the home.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Mike- when we first got married, the right side was next to the wall and I hated the idea of being stuck between a person and a wall, I get a little claustrophobic. If we ever push the bed up to a wall again, I'll take the open end.
Who cooks dinner? When we're not grabbing something quick or eating out, Mike always asks, so, what are you making. Drives me crazy! We both use to cook more than we do now, but usually we'll both makes some and we usually both help, only on accasion do we make anything fancy.
Who is more stubborn? Stubborn? I'm not sure. With making decisions, Mike usually knows what he wants and I'm indecisive. With disagreements, I hold on to them longer, but feel like Mike's pretty set in his ideas. I guess Mike is.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me, maybe I'm "wrong" more often? Not wrong, just a little less rational.
Whose parents do you see the most? Mike's, WAY MORE! The 10 min vs. 6 hour drive sort of influences that. Who has more friends? Mike definitely. Mike has a tons of boys, which lucky for me, a lot of them have wives.
Who has more siblings? Me, 3 sis and 2 bro. Mike has one of each. Who wears the pants in the family? Hmmmm? If anything, I let Mike have them when it's not equal.


Brandon and Lindsay said...

Thanks for doing my tag! I loved it! You're so funny... "I let him have them if it's not equal..." ha ha.

Woods said...

I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog. I love all your pics, but I really love this tag thing. It's way fun to read about. You are so funny. I miss hanging out with you guys. we can't wait to get back into the swing of things. Hope you are doing well.

Woods said...

Oh, I forgot to say how cute that wedding picture is. You look gorgeous, as always.

Domina said...

Doesn’t surprise me that Mike would always want to watch sports…good thing you have two TV’s. :) I love this tag. So cute! I love all your pictures. You two always take such great pictures!

Sheila said...

This was fun to read. Hey! We're coming out there first week in August. We'd love to get together, you need to meet my boys!!! Here's my cell...I'm not sure if the number I have for you is still right. 916-267-8994

Dane, Delyse, and Hazel Lynn said...

Fun! You guys are the best! I'm so the same way with the left overs- I think it comes from having 7 other people in the house who steal your food then ask later unless there is a name and "don't eat me" written in 10 or so places on it...even then... I think dad was/is the worst snitch of leftovers...ya, I hate that too. Anyway- mike is a great catch and I'm glad you found to you both.